Monday, April 28, 2014

The Next New Thing

The next new type of media that would probably be cool is summoning holograms of things around the world, news, talking to friends, socializing, etc. Everyone that uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. It will be very similar. When you talk to your friends on Facebook, wouldn't it be cool if you can like activate a hologram of the person you are talking to, and you guys can have a live conversation instead of beings miles away. Have you ever had a friend or someone that never picks up the phone or never answers your text or something. Well with this technology and media you can appear (a hologram of yourself) to where they are. Maybe they were sleeping or their phone was on silent or their phone was in their pocket. Now you can appear to their location and have a conversation with them, or talk to them whatever you want to talk about. You can watch the news and the things that are happening around the world LIVE, it'll feel like if you are there at that moment. I mean obviously there would have to be some rules of doing things like this. You can't just appear out of no where to a strangers home or anything. This would only apply to close friends and family, and you would need permission or something to access this. Having everything 3D and LIVE, would be a pretty cool "new" media.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I haven't contributed much to our class wiki but I have been doing some research about technology and social media, and how it effects our life personally. I've been reading a lot of articles and research on how people's lives change due to social media. I want to research more about the positive and negative aspects of people's lives after interfering and connecting to technology and social media. I will contribute to our class wiki very soon.

P2P File Sharing

There are many things that can be scared through the internet. File sharing is when you upload a file on the internet and you can directly share your files with another person. It's kind of like sending an email to someone, but you will be sending files or whatever you want to send. P2P file sharing is more like sending a file to someone but other people can download it off of you also. So basically its more of a public use. Just like in the article "Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other," it's easier to download off someone else instead of looking for it yourself because other people would share their stuff with one another. It's like Utorrent, you can download or upload something and other people can leach and seed off of your downloads and uploads. Be sure to know that when are your downloading there are consequences, sometimes you can download viruses and in worst case scenario you get caught downloading because downloading is illegal and you would have to pay a huge fine.

Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other May 10, 2013

Monday, April 7, 2014

Privacy & Confidentiality

Not a lot of people know that when they check the box "I Agree" on the confirmation page, they are basically signing away their social media rights to the social media websites. The things that you post one social media does not belong to you anymore after its out there. Even when you delete something off the internet, the truth is, nothing is every deleted on the internet. That's why I believe that you should be very careful about what you post up. Use very limited information about yourself when you register for a social media website. Even though its "your" page, technically it doesn't belong to you and people can do whatever they want with your information. Think twice about posting things up or putting personal information for the public. Your safety should always come first no matter the circumstances.

New Media In Baruch College

I believe that there are many changes and suggestions using new media to improve Baruch College. Maybe we can start by letting people know whats going on around the campus. I mean, you see people hand out flyers and everything. But what if you are a student that takes only night classes? They should make announcement more often so students can be more aware of whats happening. More events and entertainment would be nice once in a while. Clubs should also expand and be more out there. Using new media can help some of these suggestions, by keeping in touch with everyone and keeping them updated through the New Media.