Monday, February 24, 2014

Blogs vs. Wikis

One of the most used and common websites are blogs. People use blogs to connect with the people that read each others blogs. Blogs are used to many things such as communicating with others, expressing your feeling, to write whats on your mind so other people can understand you as well, and for many other reasons. Blogs that you posted and created is something that is yours. It does not belong to anyone else. You can post ANYTHING you want on your blog, whether its a picture or a quote or whatever you want. It's a place where you can speak your mind and say whatever you want to say. Blogs can do a lot things for people and in this case it helped leading to a drug raid. “Fighting and drug deals going down in the driveway of this house” a blogger stated and another person replied: “I’ve heard loud fighting for almost a year now but did not realize until recently that it’s a crack house.” Then months later cops raided the place.

Wikis are basically websites and databases that everyone can use. Some people go on Wikipedia to seek knowledge to know more things about what they are searching about. Some people even use Wikipedia to do there homework when it comes to a research paper or something. Wikis can be manage by more than one person and anyone can edit and change it, a it says on "Wikipedia on Wikis". Its a place where people share their knowledge and people can learn from one another. But not everything that they put up on wikis are real because people can put false information or edit and change things on there. In some cases it can benefit people. For example in the article "How To Use Wikis For Business" by Ezra Goodnoe, for people that work on projects together in companies and instead of everyone emailing each other one by one, everyone can post their knowledge and everything up on a wiki. So they can all see it and apply more information and changes if its needed. This way everyone's lives would be easier.

1. Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid By MICHAEL WILSON The New York Times June 26, 2008 available at:

2. Wikipedia on Wikis:

3. "How to Use Wikis for Business," by Ezra Goodnoe, Information Week, August 8, 2005,

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Social Media And It's Effects On Our Lives

The world revolves around technology and new media.

People believe that Technology and New Media is the biggest thing out there right now. I AGREE.
Today everyone is using technology and new media, everyone is so involve with it and they don't even know that they are basically addicted to it. I know i am. Now is you ask me if i can live without my internet or my phone, the answer is NO.

Technology and new media effects my life personally because  I can't live without it. I enjoy it so much and I put a lot of time into it. When I am at home I am always on the computer and when I am outside you'll see me on my phone here and there. It's something that i grew upon to and something that is a huge part of my life. I don't even own cable because everything is on the internet. I love technology and new media and again it's something that I can not live without.

Everything is about technology and new media, everything that goes on has to do with it. People watch news on their phones and they watch the news on the internet. Back then student had to learn off text books and now a days students are learning off IPads and computers. Ask people around you if they can live without Technology and New Media and I guarantee that most of then will say NO.