Monday, April 28, 2014

The Next New Thing

The next new type of media that would probably be cool is summoning holograms of things around the world, news, talking to friends, socializing, etc. Everyone that uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. It will be very similar. When you talk to your friends on Facebook, wouldn't it be cool if you can like activate a hologram of the person you are talking to, and you guys can have a live conversation instead of beings miles away. Have you ever had a friend or someone that never picks up the phone or never answers your text or something. Well with this technology and media you can appear (a hologram of yourself) to where they are. Maybe they were sleeping or their phone was on silent or their phone was in their pocket. Now you can appear to their location and have a conversation with them, or talk to them whatever you want to talk about. You can watch the news and the things that are happening around the world LIVE, it'll feel like if you are there at that moment. I mean obviously there would have to be some rules of doing things like this. You can't just appear out of no where to a strangers home or anything. This would only apply to close friends and family, and you would need permission or something to access this. Having everything 3D and LIVE, would be a pretty cool "new" media.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I haven't contributed much to our class wiki but I have been doing some research about technology and social media, and how it effects our life personally. I've been reading a lot of articles and research on how people's lives change due to social media. I want to research more about the positive and negative aspects of people's lives after interfering and connecting to technology and social media. I will contribute to our class wiki very soon.

P2P File Sharing

There are many things that can be scared through the internet. File sharing is when you upload a file on the internet and you can directly share your files with another person. It's kind of like sending an email to someone, but you will be sending files or whatever you want to send. P2P file sharing is more like sending a file to someone but other people can download it off of you also. So basically its more of a public use. Just like in the article "Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other," it's easier to download off someone else instead of looking for it yourself because other people would share their stuff with one another. It's like Utorrent, you can download or upload something and other people can leach and seed off of your downloads and uploads. Be sure to know that when are your downloading there are consequences, sometimes you can download viruses and in worst case scenario you get caught downloading because downloading is illegal and you would have to pay a huge fine.

Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other May 10, 2013

Monday, April 7, 2014

Privacy & Confidentiality

Not a lot of people know that when they check the box "I Agree" on the confirmation page, they are basically signing away their social media rights to the social media websites. The things that you post one social media does not belong to you anymore after its out there. Even when you delete something off the internet, the truth is, nothing is every deleted on the internet. That's why I believe that you should be very careful about what you post up. Use very limited information about yourself when you register for a social media website. Even though its "your" page, technically it doesn't belong to you and people can do whatever they want with your information. Think twice about posting things up or putting personal information for the public. Your safety should always come first no matter the circumstances.

New Media In Baruch College

I believe that there are many changes and suggestions using new media to improve Baruch College. Maybe we can start by letting people know whats going on around the campus. I mean, you see people hand out flyers and everything. But what if you are a student that takes only night classes? They should make announcement more often so students can be more aware of whats happening. More events and entertainment would be nice once in a while. Clubs should also expand and be more out there. Using new media can help some of these suggestions, by keeping in touch with everyone and keeping them updated through the New Media.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Creativity and New Media

I used this app called BitStrips and I created something that I see the way my Virtual World would probably look like. Using my imagination to dream about my future is the first step to motivation.


Today there are a lot of different ways to entertain people through the new media. The creativity and the idea that people have are rubbing off on the people and the new media is expanding more and more everyday. People with different ideas and many creative ideas are displaying them on new media to show the world that there are different ways to entertain. Just like the article "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?" by Brooks Barnes, there are many ways people entertain others. One of the many hilarious way to entertain others are by making parodies. Parodies are basically a remake of something but a remake of it in a funny way. People these days makes parodies of music videos and and even movies. It is a new way to entertain people and also good for people that enjoy watching comedies. 

There are a lot of social media and networking websites where people make their own videos or make their own memes and post it up on websites. Websites like YouTube. Vine, Facebook, Instagram, etc. These websites all allow you to post up pictures and create videos to entertain others.

Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why? The New York Times, September 24, 2007; available at

Monday, March 17, 2014

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds is a fantasy world that you create an imagination of how you want you life to do or a place how you want the world to be. It's an escapes of reality to benefit yourself mentally and to imagine and to dream about your future or how you think your life should be. "Mr. Brown, 42, learned about the Chelsea while growing up in a small town and listening to punk rock, and he has fantasized about living there ever since" stated in the article "In Room 100, It’s Sid and Nancy All Over Again". You can create a world that you always fantasied about. People also use virtual worlds to socialize with other people. For people with no social life can be social in the world that they create, they can communicate with others. Savill has autism and be uses Virtual Worlds to socialize and to communicate with other. In the article "iReport: 'Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction," it states "Savill, who represents himself in the virtual world using an avatar named Dave Sparrow, said one benefit is that visitors can practice social interaction and find information about the condition. The graphical representations of real people create a "comfort zone" that can coax users out of their shells and get them communicating with others, he said." Its something that belongs to you and something that you created for yourself. "You're on your own computer, in your own room, your own space, Savill said".

The pros of Virtual Worlds is that it's something that you created and you can do whatever you want with it. You can design the world that you always dreamed about or you can create your own laws and be the leader of your own world. I guess it can also help you dream big or something that you want. This also helps kids build their imagination and for them to explore and expand their knowledge. In the article "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" it says "It’s digital LEGOs if you will, but it’s a space for kids to exercise their imagination and to connect with others to also want to build and create things." This also helps people with mental illness connect with others the way that they can't psychically connect with. They can socialize and communicate with other people through their creation of Virtual Worlds.

The con of Virtual Worlds is that everything that you created in that world is basically just a "fantasy". Its just a dream of how you want your life to be or how you want this world to be. It isn't real to many people because they know that its a three dimensional (3D) creation that they made, and its nothing more than that. It doesn't really exist to some people. Also some people might be too carried away to the Virtual Worlds that they don't even realize that reality still exist, they're not living in reality anymore.

The future of Virtual Worlds is probably gonna become more popular and a online sensation because the way I see it, it benefits more people and it has more positive attitude than negative attitude. People can learn from this, they can dream big, they can socialize, they can communicate. etc. But in the future I do believe that Virtual Worlds would be bigger and better, it would probably looks more realistic.

"In Room 100, It's Sid and Nancy All Over Again," by Saki Knafo, The New York Times, May 3, 2009, p. CY6. Available at

"iReport: 'Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction" by Nicole Saidi, CNN, March 28, 2008. available from:
"After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get A Reboot". April 30, 2013.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Blog About Twitter

Twitter is a very popular social network and also one of the most well known social media network. Many people use twitter today including celebrities, businesses, restaurants, etc. People use it to post about their daily life or something that they want to get out there for other people to see or read about, in this case its called a "tweet". I would say that there is a difference between Twitter, Black Board Discussions, and in class discussions. Twitter is a social media network and black board discussions and in class discussion are not, they are more of a CUNY academic use purposes.

Twitter is for people to tweet about their daily life experiences and something that they can freely talk about. They can say whatever they want it and use whatever kind of language they want.  Whether it's cursing at someone, slang, saying bad things about someone, it's basically theirs to use. They can basically do whatever they want with it. Celebrities use it to connect with their fans and sometimes they even talk back to you and to talk to other people you would have to use the "@" sign or the "#" signs. Businesses use it to expand their business and to get more well known. Nike uses it to release new shoes and you would have to use twitter to buy their new limited sneakers because they will tweet the link out and you would directly have to use that link. Restaurants use it tweet coupons or to advertise something new in their stores. Twitter is more of a public use to socialize.

Black Board Discussions are mainly use for academic purposes, well at least what I know of. All of my Black Board Discussions are for school purposes. It is different than Twitter because not a lot of people use Black Board Discussions than twitter and it is also not for public socializing. Black Board Discussion are for classmates and professors to have a discussion about things, whether it is about homework, a reading, a project, etc. There are limited views for Black Board Discussions, only your classmates and your professors can see them. Also on Black Board Discussion you have to be more professional about what you say and have more of a proper language. You can't curse or saying anything rude that would offend your classmates or your professor.

In-Class Discussions would probably be more different than Twitter and Black Board Discussions because it is more a of a face to face discussion. You will basically have an audience and professors to listen to what you have to say. Some times there are people that don't like speaking in front of the class, whether you are shy, you don't like public speaking, you are afraid to be wrong, you might have an accent, etc. Sometimes there are in-class discussions that you have and you can speak your mind and use whatever language you want, you can curse, you can rant about things, you can speak your opinion, etc.

There is a difference between Twitter, Black Board Discussion and In-Class Discussion. Twitter is more of a social media network and you can do whatever you want about it, Black Board Discussion is more for CUNY school academic purposes and In-Class Discussion is more of a in-person discussion. But overall they are there for you to communicate whether its to the public, to your classmates, to your professor, etc.

Social Networking Sites

There are many social net working websites that people use to socialize with others. Most social networking websites are free to everyone. There are probably a large amount of social networking websites that are not free to others but I believe that the most popular websites are the ones that are free. Today's most popular social networking websites are probably Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and Instagram

Facebook today is probably the largest and most well known social networking website today. I personally am a user of Facebook and I enjoy it because I get to connect with my friends that I haven't seen in a while or friends that no longer live here anymore. It's easy to make plans with people on Facebook and communicate because you can add them into groups and everyone gets to talk at once and together. I think that Facebook is a good social networking websites but i do not like the fact that the photos that i post up are basically owned by Facebook. That's why I usually don't post up very personal pictures or post personal status.

MySpace was also very popular back then until Facebook became popular and everyone started to use Facebook. MySpace was more of a social networking websites for kids I guess. I think that it was mostly kids that used MySpace. I didn't really enjoy using Myspace because it was kind of complicated, you had to use codes to have layouts and you need codes and stuff to design your page, it was annoying. Also there were a lot of drama in school among other students, they were arguing because one person was on their top 8 and the other one wasn't. It was very funny to watch but sometimes they take it too serious and fights start to break out.

Twitter is also a very popular social networking website today and there are a lot of celebrities and businesses that tweet on twitter. I'm just not a big fan of twitter because it just doesn't really interest me. But maybe one day I will learn how to appreciate it. Twitter is something that you basically just tweet about and then you just have a small short conversation on it. Also big brand companies are also on Twitter, like Nike. When new limited amount of sneakers that are release you have to use the links that Nike tweet out in order to buy them.

Instagram is also a very popular social networking website today. There are a lot of people that use Instagram today, I am a user on Instagram also. All you basically do on Instagram is basically post up pictures for your friends or "followers" to see. It's a little different than Facebook and Twitter because you can not post any messages or anything on your status. It is basically strictly for posting pictures. People also use has tags to describe the pictures and stuff.

Overall I believe that all off these social media networking websites are good in their own way buy I think that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram would be a better choice. They are the most popular social networking website and probably more people use it. But I would have to say to be more careful about what you post up, the pictures that you post up or the status that you post up because after you post it up it doesn't belong to you anymore and also because everyone is basically watching.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Social Networking

Social Networking has been around for a while and it's one of the most popular thing that people are involved with today. I am sure that most of the people that you meet are involved with social media or has something to do with it past or present (unless you are ancient or one of those who doesn't enjoy using technologies and stuff). I've probably started using when I was very young. I believe I start off with using AIM (AOL Instant Messaging) when I was probably in elementary school. It was one of the most popular thing back then (it kind of slowly died out). Lots of people used it back then and now everyone uses Facebook Message, Text Messaging, and many other different ways to communicate and socialize. MySpace and Xanga were also very popular back then and it was one of those things where people socialize through the internet. You can connect with your friends that you haven't seen in a while or friends from back then. 

People also use social networking to do business and to make their businesses known and popular. Some companies can even do business over the internet so this way business can be easier for everyone. Companies and other corporates also use social networking to connect with others an it is also a way they market their company. There are a lot of benefits to social networking such as making things easier, connecting with people from the past and present, easier way to communicate, etc. Like any other good things that are good in this society there is also a "dark side" to everything. Of course there is a dark side to social networking, there can be stalkers on social network, rapist, child molesters, and everything. Just like every other social networking sites such as Facebook and stuff, everything you post something up or upload a picture or use personal information to sign up for it, after you enter all these information it no longer belongs to you. Facebook or any other social networking website owns it and they can do whatever they want with it. In the article by Greenfeild, R "Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private," even the person that owns Facebook doesn't have his family photos private because the public basically owns it. A few years ago there were also cases on the the MySpace Killer and many other cases that is involved with social networks.

I believe that social networking and technologies are just gonna get bigger and bigger in this society. Sooner or later there wouldn't be any jobs left or some people because there would be machines or robots being used to work and then there wouldn't be a lot of jobs left for employees. There was an article about companies that use social networking to recruit people instead of doing interviews in person and stuff. "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" by Frank Langfitt, they use a website called LinkedIn, its basically social networking for professional and business use. Social Networking has to be one the most popular and most rapid growth in history.

1) Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private,” The Atlantic Wire, Greenfield, R. December 26, 2012

2) Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting by Frank Langfitt, NPR, March 16, 2008. available from

Monday, February 24, 2014

Blogs vs. Wikis

One of the most used and common websites are blogs. People use blogs to connect with the people that read each others blogs. Blogs are used to many things such as communicating with others, expressing your feeling, to write whats on your mind so other people can understand you as well, and for many other reasons. Blogs that you posted and created is something that is yours. It does not belong to anyone else. You can post ANYTHING you want on your blog, whether its a picture or a quote or whatever you want. It's a place where you can speak your mind and say whatever you want to say. Blogs can do a lot things for people and in this case it helped leading to a drug raid. “Fighting and drug deals going down in the driveway of this house” a blogger stated and another person replied: “I’ve heard loud fighting for almost a year now but did not realize until recently that it’s a crack house.” Then months later cops raided the place.

Wikis are basically websites and databases that everyone can use. Some people go on Wikipedia to seek knowledge to know more things about what they are searching about. Some people even use Wikipedia to do there homework when it comes to a research paper or something. Wikis can be manage by more than one person and anyone can edit and change it, a it says on "Wikipedia on Wikis". Its a place where people share their knowledge and people can learn from one another. But not everything that they put up on wikis are real because people can put false information or edit and change things on there. In some cases it can benefit people. For example in the article "How To Use Wikis For Business" by Ezra Goodnoe, for people that work on projects together in companies and instead of everyone emailing each other one by one, everyone can post their knowledge and everything up on a wiki. So they can all see it and apply more information and changes if its needed. This way everyone's lives would be easier.

1. Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid By MICHAEL WILSON The New York Times June 26, 2008 available at:

2. Wikipedia on Wikis:

3. "How to Use Wikis for Business," by Ezra Goodnoe, Information Week, August 8, 2005,

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Social Media And It's Effects On Our Lives

The world revolves around technology and new media.

People believe that Technology and New Media is the biggest thing out there right now. I AGREE.
Today everyone is using technology and new media, everyone is so involve with it and they don't even know that they are basically addicted to it. I know i am. Now is you ask me if i can live without my internet or my phone, the answer is NO.

Technology and new media effects my life personally because  I can't live without it. I enjoy it so much and I put a lot of time into it. When I am at home I am always on the computer and when I am outside you'll see me on my phone here and there. It's something that i grew upon to and something that is a huge part of my life. I don't even own cable because everything is on the internet. I love technology and new media and again it's something that I can not live without.

Everything is about technology and new media, everything that goes on has to do with it. People watch news on their phones and they watch the news on the internet. Back then student had to learn off text books and now a days students are learning off IPads and computers. Ask people around you if they can live without Technology and New Media and I guarantee that most of then will say NO.